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12:00 PM PIZZA THURSDAY! @ Online Event
PIZZA THURSDAY! @ Online Event
Apr 16 @ 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
Update: Everyone misses Pizza Thursday! Tune in on Thursday at noon on FB and IG Live for a conversation about what’s going on at Sprout PVD as we progress through Phase 1. Join Community Business Manager Stacey Kaplan and member David Dadekian of Eat Drink RI for a pizza party. Facebook: SproutCoworking Instagram: @sproutcoworking — Providence members chip in and …
5:00 PM Gallery Night Providence-Urban Wildlife: Learning to Co+Exist @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909
Gallery Night Providence-Urban Wildlife: Learning to Co+Exist @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909
Apr 16 @ 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Update: This event and show have been moved to October. A virtual Gallery Night tour of the April exhibits will be available at the following link: The Gallery at Sprout CoWorking presents a mixed media exhibit bringing artists and scientists together. Curated by Creature Conserve, the show encourages viewers to take an active role in healthy co-existence with urban animals. Artists were invited …