Sprout CoWorking is offering space to RI Nonprofit Arts Organizations
Beginning January 2023, Sprout CoWorking is offering a special program for nonprofit organizations. The 1st phase is for arts nonprofits. We hope to follow this up in the spring, opening the opportunity up to other RI nonprofits. Applications will open on December 1st. Awards will be made on a rolling, space available, basis.
Offering includes professional business addresses, meeting rooms, conference room space, event space, and flexible workspace. Services are available free and/or at greatly reduced pricing. If space is needed for December, please reach out to Sprout directly for a rush consideration.
To apply for a Sprout CoWorking space grant please provide the information requested in the form below.
Services Include:
• P R O F E S S I O N A L A D D R E S S
Receive your mail and come to pick up at your convenience
• C O N F E R E N C E / M E E T I N G R O O M S
Host a board meeting, meet clients, plan a ½ day or full day conference or retreat
• E V E N T S P A C E
Host a fundraising event, a conference or workshop, a funders lunch
• F L E X I B L E W O R K S P A C E
flexible space for daily work, includes parking, coffee, wifi, and other amenities
Please contact Shari at gallerymanager @sproutcoworking.com with any questions.
166 Valley St, Bldg 6M, Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909
Tel 203-253-8121