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Everything That Sprouts is Green

Everything That Sprouts is Green

What does coworking have to do with climate change, flooding, heat waves, and stronger hurricanes?

It’s all about sustainability. The definition of sustainability will be different depending on who you ask. The United Nations defines it as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The investment community defines it as “the ability to maintain or support a process continuously over time.” The business community, as defined in an article in the Harvard Business School Online distinguishes it as “…doing business without negatively impacting the environment, community, or society as a whole.”

Whether you are looking at it from a political, economic, or philosophical perspective, sustainability is all about doing something now to protect the future. Most people believe that sustainability can only be achieved by denying themselves something or paying an exorbitant cost.

But there is another way. It may be a small difference, but over time it adds up. CoWorking provides many of the characteristics of sustainability that you need to make a difference. For example:

By taking advantage of everything that a coworking arrangement can offer, companies, large and small, are able to save money on overhead and present a greener consciousness to their employees and customers.

To learn more about how Sprout CoWorking can green your organization, and provide the savings and incentives that come with a lower carbon footprint, book a tour today

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