Celebrate Father Raymond’s life through the portraits that he painted of people in his community.
Father Raymond Tetrault died on January 3rd, 2023, two days shy of his 88th birthday. He was known in Providence and across the state as a man of God and a man of the people. Raymond was a devoted priest, activist, neighborhood leader, mystic, adventurer, and scholar. He saw himself, though, as a man of prayer.
Late in life he became an artist, dedicating part of every day to his canvases. His works flowed from his inner life of immersion in God and nature. Raymond painted people because they reflected best the beauty of God and of creation. He painted friends, parishioners, doctors, housemates, and even a once-famous local basketball coach.
The deaths of Black Americans shot by police deeply offended his sense of reverence for all people. Many of their portraits are shown here. Like all artists, Raymond’s paintings came from both his hands and heart, and his love is visible in all his work.
The Opening Reception will be held, on Thursday, July 20th from 5 to 8pm and will take place as part of the Gallery Night Providence events.