
Warren Art Opening: Howard Rotblat-Walker’s Kaleidoscope Work @ Sprout CoWorking Warren, 489 Main St, Warren, RI 02885
Dec 6 @ 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
The Gallery at Sprout WARREN Presents:
“Iterations – Again!”
An Art Exhibit Featuring Howard Rotblat-Walker
On Display December 2 – January 12, 2020
Join us for the Opening Celebration December 6, 6-8PM. Free and Open to the Public.
Howard Rotblat-Walker’s most recent work are assemblages of reflected and repeated sections from his photographs to create abstract patterns. Some resemble the patterns created by a kaleidoscope. Some incorporate patterns reminiscent of Islamic tiles and textiles. Still others explore the repetitive patterns of line and color used in decorative objects such as Japanese fans.
While Howard’s photography is auto-didactic, he holds degrees in Sociology from the Illinois Institute of Technology and the University of Chicago. He has exhibited at the Newport Art Museum, the RI Center for Photographic Arts, Art Night Bristol-Warren, the Bristol Art Museum, the Attleboro Arts Museum and more.
Howard’s work will be on display at the Gallery at Sprout CoWorking in Warren during the month of December. For more information please email
Urban Wildlife Writing Workshop: Learning to Co+Exist @ Sprout CoWorking Providence
Dec 7 @ 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Creature Conserve and The Gallery at Sprout CoWorking invite writers to attend a workshop on how to make science more accessible and understandable, using urban ecology as the unifying theme. All skill levels welcome. Advance registration is required. Funded in part by the Rhode Island State Council of the Arts.

More event information on Facebook:

Providence Toastmasters Club @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909, USA
Dec 10 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Update: Toastmasters has switched to virtual meetings for an indefinite period of time.

Providence Toastmasters have monthly meetings at Sprout CoWorking Providence from 7-9pm. The club welcomes new visitors to come work on their public speaking skills in a supportive environment. There’s no need to feel pressure at your first meeting, you can simply observe! You are allowed to visit up to three times before deciding whether to join. No RSVP needed.

Sprout CoWorking Community Breakfast Club @ Sprout CoWorking Warren, 489 Main St, Warren, RI 02885
Dec 11 @ 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Update: This event has been cancelled until further notice.


Join us for free breakfast on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Explore Sprout and get your chance to meet some of the members.

Afternoon Member Cheese N’ Crackers @ Sprout CoWorking Warren, 489 Main St, Warren, RI 02885
Dec 18 @ 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Update: This event has been cancelled until further notice.
Take an afternoon break with the members of our Warren location.
PIZZA THURSDAY! @ Online Event
Dec 19 @ 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM


Everyone misses Pizza Thursday! Tune in on Thursday at noon on FB and IG Live for a conversation about what’s going on at Sprout PVD as we progress through Phase 1. Join Community Business Manager Stacey Kaplan and member David Dadekian of Eat Drink RI for a pizza party.

Facebook: SproutCoworking
Instagram: @sproutcoworking

Providence members chip in and share delicious pizza over lunch.

Christmas Eve – Sprout is closed @ Both Locations
Dec 24 @ 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Sprout is closed. Regular 24/7 access is still available to members.

Christmas Day – Sprout is closed @ Both Locations
Dec 25 @ 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Sprout is closed. Regular 24/7 access is still available to members.

Day After Christmas – Sprout is closed @ Both Locations
Dec 26 @ 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Sprout is closed. Regular 24/7 access is still available to members.

“Suppressed: The Fight to Vote” RI Community Screening and Discussion @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909
Dec 30 @ 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Brave New Films weaves together personal stories from experts, poll watchers and ordinary Georgians speaking to the reality of voter suppression in the 2018 election. While voter suppression has been going on for over a century in America, Georgia was ground zero in 2018 amidst a historic gubernatorial race between Stacey Abrams and Brian Kemp. Abrams fought to become the first Black female governor in the U.S. while her opponent, Secretary of State Brian Kemp, was in charge of running the election. Covering a race that was ultimately decided by just 54,723 votes, the film exposes how the constitutional right to vote remains under siege as the 2020 election approaches.

The event features a welcome message from Nellie Gorbea, Rhode Island Secretary of State, and a screening of the film. Immediately following the film, a panel discussion will be held. This event is co-hosted by: The #YESpvd! 365 Project, ARISE, AS220, the Equity Institute, Sprout CoWorking, the Rhode Island Department of State, and NAACP Providence Chapter.

This event is part of The #YESpvd! 365 Project, a division of the Youth Empowerment Summit, to educate the community about civic action and voter suppression. Throughout the year the project hosts events and programs to enrich, empower and equip young people ages 13 to 24 with educational, entrepreneurship and employment opportunities. 

This event is FREE and open to the public. All are welcome, but space is limited! Attendees must RSVP via Eventbrite. Link to event rsvp: