April 25: Gallery Night Providence’s annual Yard Sale and Fundraiser, this year at Sprout PVD.
Weekly community figure drawing classes at Sprout Providence led by artist Mi Ok Song.
Pictured artwork: “To Everything There is a Season” by Mi Ok Song.
Join guest art instructor Mi Ok Song for Monday Night Art Classes at Sprout CoWorking Providence! Beginning Monday April 19 from 6-8pm and ongoing every Monday night, drop in for live drawing class “Go Figure”. You’ll learn the how-to of clothed figure drawing. Beginners to advanced welcome!
Mi Ok (pronounced “me-oak”) will teach how to utilize lines, composition, perspective, detail, proportion, color, design, texture, patterns, shapes, horizon, foreshortening, foreground, middle ground and background as elements to complete a dynamic drawing. Discover your strengths, enthusiasm and vision in creating drawings of the human figure within the context of urban nature and the environment.
Please bring your own dry-media art supplies: an easel, drawing board, paper pad, and pen/pencil/erasers/chalk. The class cost is $10 per person/per hour, with or without instruction.
Mi Ok Song is an award-winning, professional visual artist, member of several local art organizations & an award-winning published poet/writer. She is also a 20 year practicing clinical social worker and proficient in American Sign Language.
Please email [email protected] to reserve your spot in the class, 15 person limit. Sprout CoWorking Providence is located at 166 Vallery Street, Building 6M Suite 103. All COVID-19 Guidelines will be observed, including face masks/shields, social distancing and hand sanitizers.
For more information please contact: Adam Palazio at 401-536-9336.
Update: Toastmasters has switched to virtual meetings for an indefinite period of time.
Providence Toastmasters have monthly meetings at Sprout CoWorking Providence from 7-9pm. The club welcomes new visitors to come work on their public speaking skills in a supportive environment. There’s no need to feel pressure at your first meeting, you can simply observe! You are allowed to visit up to three times before deciding whether to join. No RSVP needed.
Update: Toastmasters has switched to virtual meetings for an indefinite period of time.
Providence Toastmasters have monthly meetings at Sprout CoWorking Providence from 7-9pm. The club welcomes new visitors to come work on their public speaking skills in a supportive environment. There’s no need to feel pressure at your first meeting, you can simply observe! You are allowed to visit up to three times before deciding whether to join. No RSVP needed.
Welcome to the third Gallery Night of our 25th season! This time walking tours are back as an option in the Olneyville neighborhood. Virtual tours of Providence’s galleries and studio spaces will also be broadcast on Facebook LIVE on the Third Thursday of the Month from 4:00pm – 6:00pm. Join us in person or watch on Gallery Night Providence’s Facebook page for an artwork tour in The Gallery at Sprout CoWorking Providence:
Update: Toastmasters has switched to virtual meetings for an indefinite period of time.
Providence Toastmasters have monthly meetings at Sprout CoWorking Providence from 7-9pm. The club welcomes new visitors to come work on their public speaking skills in a supportive environment. There’s no need to feel pressure at your first meeting, you can simply observe! You are allowed to visit up to three times before deciding whether to join. No RSVP needed.

CONNECTS the arts to our community.
GENERATES social, economic and cultural growth for our community.
Sprout is closed. Regular 24/7 access is still available to members.
Update: Toastmasters has switched to virtual meetings for an indefinite period of time.
Providence Toastmasters have monthly meetings at Sprout CoWorking Providence from 7-9pm. The club welcomes new visitors to come work on their public speaking skills in a supportive environment. There’s no need to feel pressure at your first meeting, you can simply observe! You are allowed to visit up to three times before deciding whether to join. No RSVP needed.

Encyclopedia Britannica defines Fauvism as: “A style of painting that flourished in France around the turn of the 20th century. Fauve artists used pure, brilliant colour aggressively applied straight from the paint tubes to create a sense of an explosion on the canvas.”
During this class, Kelly Brown will show you how to use pastels to draw faces using this unique style.
Pastels & paper are included, but feel free to bring your own!