
Providence Toastmasters Club @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909, USA
Mar 22 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Update: Toastmasters has switched to virtual meetings for an indefinite period of time.

Providence Toastmasters have monthly meetings at Sprout CoWorking Providence from 7-9pm. The club welcomes new visitors to come work on their public speaking skills in a supportive environment. There’s no need to feel pressure at your first meeting, you can simply observe! You are allowed to visit up to three times before deciding whether to join. No RSVP needed.

Providence Toastmasters Club @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909, USA
Apr 12 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Update: Toastmasters has switched to virtual meetings for an indefinite period of time.

Providence Toastmasters have monthly meetings at Sprout CoWorking Providence from 7-9pm. The club welcomes new visitors to come work on their public speaking skills in a supportive environment. There’s no need to feel pressure at your first meeting, you can simply observe! You are allowed to visit up to three times before deciding whether to join. No RSVP needed.

Meet Ms Southern New England @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St, Building 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909 and Virtual
Apr 19 @ 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

R.A.M.P. - Real Access Motivator Program

Did you know that Sprout CoWorking is fully accessible for wheelchairs? On Tuesday April 19th at 10am, Sprout will be hosting Tina Guenette Pedersen, Ms Southern New England, for a photoshoot. Stop by to meet her and say hi! In July Tina will be traveling to Florida to compete for the 👑 National USA Ambassador & SLICC Ambassador (Success through Leadership, Integrity, Character and Confidence). Tina will be the only person of physical disability to compete at this level, expanding the meaning of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Tina wants to break barriers and stereotypes that people who use wheelchairs are different. She continues to wonder why, 32 years after the ADA was passed, she and others like her don’t have access to so many places.

Tina’s travel expenses are very costly. To help her on her journey to nationals, and to raise awareness that people in wheelchairs can live full and meaningful lives, you can help fund her trip at VENMO: @RAMPTina Or PAYPAL: (note: Road to Nationals). Either way, your donation is fully tax deductible.

Gallery Night Providence Opening Reception @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St, Building 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909
Apr 21 @ 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Gallery Night Providence is back for the second opening in the 2022 season this month. Please join us at Sprout CoWorking Providence on Thursday April 21st 5-8pm for an opening celebration of John Chamberlin’s and Debra Bretton Robinson’s works.

All are welcome to stop in to the Gallery at Sprout Providence anytime between 5-8pm on April 21st to enjoy the artwork, wine and appetizers.

Bold, colorful, and 2 very different mediums!

For the month of April the Gallery at Sprout Providence (166 Valley St) is presenting a two-person exhibition of colorful works by artists John Chamberlin and Debra Bretton Robinson. This eye-popping show will feature Chamberlin’s bold handmade quilts and Bretton’s vibrant natural landscape paintings.

The Gallery at Sprout Providence will be open to the public to see the artwork in-person weekdays from 9am to 3pm, or by appointment. The exhibition will be on view April 4th-27th.
Providence Toastmasters Club @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909, USA
Apr 26 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Update: Toastmasters has switched to virtual meetings for an indefinite period of time.

Providence Toastmasters have monthly meetings at Sprout CoWorking Providence from 7-9pm. The club welcomes new visitors to come work on their public speaking skills in a supportive environment. There’s no need to feel pressure at your first meeting, you can simply observe! You are allowed to visit up to three times before deciding whether to join. No RSVP needed.

Providence Toastmasters Club @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909, USA
May 10 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Update: Toastmasters has switched to virtual meetings for an indefinite period of time.

Providence Toastmasters have monthly meetings at Sprout CoWorking Providence from 7-9pm. The club welcomes new visitors to come work on their public speaking skills in a supportive environment. There’s no need to feel pressure at your first meeting, you can simply observe! You are allowed to visit up to three times before deciding whether to join. No RSVP needed.

Gallery Night Providence Opening Reception @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St, Building 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909
May 19 @ 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Gallery Night Providence is back on the Third Thursday of the Month. Please join us at Sprout CoWorking Providence on Thursday May 19th 5-8pm for an opening celebration of Cathren Housley’s works.

All are welcome to stop in to the Gallery at Sprout Providence anytime between 5-8pm on May 19th to enjoy the artwork, wine and appetizers.

If you’d prefer a guided tour experience, free guided Gallery Night trolley tours will be available to visit multiple galleries throughout Providence with the Gallery at Sprout as a stop on the itinerary. We hope to see you there!

For the month of May The Gallery at Sprout CoWorking (166 Valley St) is presenting an exhibition of twenty framed illustrations by artist Cathren Housley. The playful, light show will feature Housley’s children’s book pictures created in a mix of mediums within one piece: watercolor, colored pencil, graphite and gouache (opaque watercolor).

The Gallery at Sprout Providence will be open to the public to see the artwork in-person weekdays from 9am to 3pm, or by appointment. The exhibition will be on view May 9th-30th.

Free Company CoWorking Day at Sprout Providence @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St, Building 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909
May 20 @ 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

You’re invited to work for the day FREE in our casual & professional workspace


About this event

Come by our Spring Open House

Free to work for the day from 9am to 5pm! Invite your company’s team members and remote workers (Teams of 1 are also welcome) to gather for a fun day working on-site together. Typically $20/day pass per person waived for Friday May 20th.

Sprout’s Spring Open House will include a catered lunch and company photo taken by commercial portrait photographer Glenn Turner. Indoors or outdoors weather permitting, on the beautiful historic campus of Rising Sun Mills. Come check out our coworking space on the west side of Providence!

**Please arrive prior to 3pm to stay until 5pm. Free parking is available at any of the four Rising Sun Mills campus parking lots.

Visit Eventbrite to register:

About Sprout CoWorking Providence

Sprout CoWorking offers a professional workspace alternative where individuals and teams grow, network and flourish together. Our flexible coworking center provides workspace & wifi, private office rentals, meeting/zoom rooms, an event venue and art galleries open to the public. Read reviews from our members at

Providence Toastmasters Club @ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909, USA
May 24 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Update: Toastmasters has switched to virtual meetings for an indefinite period of time.

Providence Toastmasters have monthly meetings at Sprout CoWorking Providence from 7-9pm. The club welcomes new visitors to come work on their public speaking skills in a supportive environment. There’s no need to feel pressure at your first meeting, you can simply observe! You are allowed to visit up to three times before deciding whether to join. No RSVP needed.

Memorial Day – Sprout is closed @ Both locations
May 30 all-day

Sprout is closed. Regular 24/7 coworking access is still available to members.