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City Year Training
@ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909
City Year Training
@ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909
Apr 13 @ 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Update: This event has been cancelled, 4/1/20. Private event.
11:00 AM
Monthly Microbusiness Master Mind
@ Virtual Event
Monthly Microbusiness Master Mind
@ Virtual Event
Apr 14 @ 11:00 AM – 11:45 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 11:00 am. Join the Microbusiness Association of New England and Sprout CoWorking for a Monthly Microbusiness Master Mind. We will discuss and address microbusinesses helping each other in this online meeting. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/monthly-microbusiness-master-mind-tickets-102046313270
7:00 PM
Providence Toastmasters Club
@ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909, USA
Providence Toastmasters Club
@ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909, USA
Apr 14 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Update: Toastmasters has switched to virtual meetings for an indefinite period of time. Providence Toastmasters have monthly meetings at Sprout CoWorking Providence from 7-9pm. The club welcomes new visitors to come work on their public speaking skills in a supportive environment. There’s no need to feel pressure at your first meeting, you can simply observe! You are allowed to visit …
1:30 PM
Afternoon Member Cheese N’ Crackers
@ Sprout CoWorking Warren, 489 Main St, Warren, RI 02885
Afternoon Member Cheese N’ Crackers
@ Sprout CoWorking Warren, 489 Main St, Warren, RI 02885
Apr 15 @ 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Update: This event has been cancelled until further notice. Take an afternoon break with the members of our Warren location.
12:00 PM
@ Online Event
@ Online Event
Apr 16 @ 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM
Update: Everyone misses Pizza Thursday! Tune in on Thursday at noon on FB and IG Live for a conversation about what’s going on at Sprout PVD as we progress through Phase 1. Join Community Business Manager Stacey Kaplan and member David Dadekian of Eat Drink RI for a pizza party. Facebook: SproutCoworking Instagram: @sproutcoworking — Providence members chip in and …
5:00 PM
Gallery Night Providence-Urban Wildlife: Learning to Co+Exist
@ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909
Gallery Night Providence-Urban Wildlife: Learning to Co+Exist
@ Sprout CoWorking Providence, 166 Valley St Bldg 6M Suite 103, Providence, RI 02909
Apr 16 @ 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Update: This event and show have been moved to October. A virtual Gallery Night tour of the April exhibits will be available at the following link: https://www.gallerynight.org/. The Gallery at Sprout CoWorking presents a mixed media exhibit bringing artists and scientists together. Curated by Creature Conserve, the show encourages viewers to take an active role in healthy co-existence with urban animals. Artists were invited …
6:00 PM
Selahattin Sep Exhibit Opening-Warren
@ Sprout CoWorking Warren, 489 Main St, Warren, RI 02885
Selahattin Sep Exhibit Opening-Warren
@ Sprout CoWorking Warren, 489 Main St, Warren, RI 02885
Apr 17 @ 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Update: This event has been cancelled, 4/1/20. Stop by the Gallery at Sprout Warren to see Selahattin Sep’s exhibit of multimedia work. As an award-winning Kurdish artist now residing in RI, Selahattin sees his art as a tool to shed light on the plight of the Kurds and bring awareness to social issues. In addition to the artwork, Sep’s handmade Turkish leather shoes will be available for sale …