In Providence this month:
The Gallery at Sprout Coworking, Providence (166 Valley St, bldg. 6M, suite 103) is presenting a group exhibition of works by current and former AS220 artist members titled “Corner Where the Dunkin’ Donuts used to be and other Rhode Island Landmarks”. The show will feature original woodblock prints, linocuts, paintings and illustrations from over 15 current and former members and founders of AS220 industries celebrating unique Rhode Island landmarks. The exhibition will be on display from November 18th through December 20th. The public is invited to an opening on November 18th with Gallery Night Providence from 5-7:30pm.
Participating Artists Include:
Nadine Almada, Jacque’s Bidon, Rye Dean, Madison Emond, Michael Ezzell, Tatiana Gómez Gaggero, Lara Henderson, Alex Hornstein, Sara Inacio, Ladyfingers Letterpress, Andre Lee Bassuet, Hannah Liongoren, José R. Menéndez, Salina Ting, Kevin Veronneau, and Jeffrey Yoo Warren.
AS220 Industries is a collection of community workspaces and resources that offers affordable, project-based, experience learning in digital fabrication, printmaking and media arts. The original artworks have been reproduced in a perpetual calendar designed by Tatiana Gómez Gaggero and letterpress and offset printed by Jacque’s Bidon. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the calendar will go to AS220 to continue to provide Rhode Island artists affordable access to AS220 Industries. Please support the artists who bring magic to our communities with a purchase of the calendar which will be available at Sprout CoWorking locations and online at AS220.org.
Artist Betsey MacDonald’s show Best Friends has been extended and will be on display through November 15th.
Sprout is in accordance with the Reopening RI guidelines and is protected by Ocean State Shields. Contact: [email protected] for more information.