We’re here if you need a space to work remotely, temporarily or by the hour. Let our staff know if you have additional workspace questions or any specific scheduling needs outside of our current hours. Please reach out by email to [email protected] or call for more information:
Sprout CoWorking Providence 401-536-9336
Sprout CoWorking Warren 401-247-2000
In a time of home offices and Zoom conference calls you may be hesitant to utilize a coworking space. We’d like to offer these three updated services as solutions for remote businesses, employees and online groups. These options are to assist you in continuing to work remotely.
- Consider opening a virtual office:

Expand your business presence with two new office locations in Providence and Warren, RI. Use one or both Sprout CoWorking addresses as a new office location on your website, social media, business cards and Google My Business. Mail services and curbside pickup are included if you choose to have your mail delivered. A virtual office package starts at an affordable $50 a month, via our Local Address membership.
2. Rent meeting rooms by the hour:

Closed meeting rooms are available for by-the-hour remote conference calls. Host a Zoom meeting or online workshop distraction-free in a well lit, clean, professional environment. Hourly rates start at $50, with discounts for members. Cleaning supplies are provided by our staff and additional disinfecting measures are in place to stay as safe as possible.
3. Find a temporary workspace:

Coworking is the use of a work environment by multiple companies and individuals. Currently social distancing, provided cleaning supplies, de-densified rooms and the use of face masks are safety priorities while in the space.
Our Sprout CoWorking locations have Private Offices that are available to rent. The contract is renewed on a month-to-month basis, so you can cancel at any time.