The Hottest Club in Town!

The Hottest Club in Town!

hottest club in town


On the top of the RI Statehouse stands “The Independent Man.” Installed in 1899, it symbolizes a spirit of independence and innovation. Even though he is now 124 years old, what he represented at his birth is probably even more appropriate today.

In just a few years, the American workplace and its workforce have been transformed into something unimaginable. Today, 40% of workers have jobs that can be done remotely. Of these, a third work from home full-time, and another 40 percent work remotely some or most of the time. “Not only does 30% of the American workforce now spend a significant portion of their working lives outside of a conventional workplace, 70% of American employers now have a hybrid workforce. “

What does this mean for you? It means you’re not alone! Far from it. You’re now a member of the hottest club in town! The Hybrid Workforce.

Perfectly suited to assist the hybrid workforce (as well as entrepreneurs and small business owners), Sprout CoWorking is located on Valley Street in Providence and is part of the historic Rising Sun Mills.

Sprout CoWorking is here to support this hot new club. We feature free parking, a fitness center, scenic walking paths, a Riverside picnic area, bike paths, and even a pool table. Plus, free printing, and copy services. Our work areas, including a café, hot desks, private offices, meeting rooms, event spaces, and more are fused together creatively with an art gallery. Our gallery is in the Valley Arts District neighborhood and is a member of Gallery Night Providence. Exhibits change monthly.

Sprout CoWorking brings together creativity, independence, and innovation. To take a tour and find out how you can become a member of the hottest club in town, click here!